Finally a concise guide to how and why acupuncture works in a simple and easy to understand format!
The Acupuncture Information Manual (AIM) is an evidence-based resource manual on the use of acupuncture for over
40 common medical conditions including anxiety, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome, depression, digestive disorders, pain, Parkinson's disease, and many others.
Fully referenced with over 100 medical studies from leading medical journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), and the British Medical Journal (BMJ),
the AIM makes it easy to access cutting edge research on acupuncture. The information is presented for patients in a user-friendly format, but each chapter has a "Dive Deeper into Biomedicine" section which contains advanced material for acupuncturists and other medical professionals.
See what cutting-edge research shows regarding how acupuncture can affect the nervous system to help the body heal by altering things like molecular biology, brain chemistry,
and even gene expression!
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Discover the Latest Evidence-Based Research on Acupuncture
The AIM Contains Over 100 Referenced Medical Studies with Web Links
Discover How Acupuncture Can Improve Specific Medical Conditions
Patients Can Learn How Acupuncture Works and What They Can Do To Increase The Effectiveness of Their Treatments
Acupuncturists Can Use The AIM As A Patient Education Resource To Improve Patient Compliance and Referrals
Medical Professionals Can Feel Confident Referring Their Patients According to Evidence-Based Guidelines In the Referenced Studies
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